Capital Market Awards
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Capital Market Awards

A Non-Profit Organisation established in 2007

Capital Market Awards
Since 2009, SDATT has on occasion paid tribute to individuals and institutions for their outstanding contribution to the development of the vibrant and successful local and regional capital markets Nominees are evaluated based on their display of leadership in taking the industry forward, their tangible contribution to the development and growth of the market, the beneficial impact of the contribution, sustainability of the advancements made or new opportunities created and their overall impact on the quality and integrity of the capital markets.
Nominees are persons or institutions that would have acted with great personal integrity and would have developed an outstanding reputation worthy of emulation by others. These persons or institutions are regarded as role models who have played an important role in elevating the industry. The following is the main selection criteria:
Personal integrity and reputation
Tangible contribution to the development of the capital market
Pioneering nature of the contribution
sustainable nature of the contribution
Level of elevation of the market
In addition to awarding worthy nominees the Capital Markets Award function also provides an opportunity for SDATT to share where we are in our journey and future plans for development. Please find below highlights from previous Capital Markets Award functions and Awardees.
Capital Markets Pioneer Awards 2012
Mr. Anthony Wilson – A Journalist for 22 years and Editor of the Business Guardian for 10 years who has contributed to the development of the Capital Market.
Citibank (Trinidad and Tobago) Ltd. – Honoured for its contribution to raising capital for the local and regional markets, for its innovation in the development of financial products and for training a cadre of securities professionals.

Capital Markets Pioneer Awards 2011
Mr. Rodney Prasad – Played a pivotal role in the development of the local capital markets
West Indies Stockbrokers Limited – One of the first brokerage firms in Trinidad and Tobago

Capital Markets Pioneer Awards 2010
Mr. Osborne Nurse – Diverse and distinguished management career in the banking industry spanning two decades
Mr. E. Henry-Sealy – Eleven years of leadership of the UTC during its meteoric rise
The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago – Fundamental role in the growth and development of the domestic capital market
Capital Markets Pioneer Awards 2009
Mr. Lloyd Samaroo – C.E.O. of FINCOR for 13 years and Executive Director at Republic Bank
Republic Finance & Merchant Bank Ltd. – Over TT$30 Billion raised over two decades
Mr. Suresh Maharaj – Arranged key international issues for regional sovereigns and corporate
The Unit Trust Corporation – First local mutual fund with over TT$22 Billion in funds under management